We Bit Integrations are here to provide you our services with satisfaction. We believe in our product, we are incredibly proud of it, and we want our customers to be happy. We have no problem with offering our customers a money back guarantee that would allow them to return the product/software within 14 days of receipt in the original purchase. We will do our best to ensure that they have no problems with it. So, if you decide to get the product, we will give you a 100% money-back guarantee within 14 days of purchase.
If you have any questions concerning the product or service offered, you may communicate on our Contact Us page.
1. Refund may only be issued within 14 days of the purchase date.
It will be helpful for us if you inform us what made you ask for a refund which will help us to improve our product.
2. Refund is only applicable for the original license purchase, not for subscription update or renewal.
3. You agree that you will deactivate & uninstall our plugin before your refund is issued.
You can ask for a refund through the contact us option of our website or simply can email us at support@bitapps.pro. We may initially ask some questions regarding your problems about our products. If it is solvable, then our support team will do their best for you otherwise, you will get the refund within seven working days.
By purchasing our products, you agree that you have read this refund policy properly. This also proves that you agree with and fully accept the terms of this refund policy. We ask you not to place an order with us if you disagree with the terms and conditions. & we reserve all rights to change our policy any time without prior notice.